

    Understand the Risk: Securing ERP Applications

    24 Oct 2018
    DATEOctober 24, 2018
    TIME06:00 PM - 10:30 PM
    VENUETo be provided upon confirmation of registration
    #DC Metro Area
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    Understand the Risk:
    Securing ERP Applications during Digital Transformation

    For many organisations, digital transformations and cloud migrations are a detailed outline of business and operational plans to integrate, prioritise and fully utilise digital technologies available. While this plan has significant cost and productivity benefits to the organisation security is often a second priority or not in the scope of the project. Without properly implementing security from the start in these projects, organisations face costly delays or outages due to vulnerabilities or compliance failures. Beyond that, many organisations have not identified a plan for how they will migrate their most critical ERP applications and workloads in a secure way, putting their crown jewels at risk.  As you plan for the future, you must ensure protection of the ERP applications that run your business.

    We will discuss:
    • How to align internal teams to incorporate security from the start
    • How to make security an enabler instead of a roadblock during complex projects
    • How to automate security processes and simplify reporting
    • Proactive ways to engage senior executives in projects with reporting

    JOIN US for senior-level conversations, exchange of ideas and networking at Select World Services’ exclusive, by invitation only Executive Dinner – Understand the Risk:  Securing ERP Applications during Digital Transformation

    This particular Executive Dinner is for executives with the following titles and responsibilities:

    • Chief Executive Officer
    • Chief Information Security Officer
    • Chief Information Officer
Chief Technology Officer
    • Chief Risk Officer
    • Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operations Officer
    • Chief Compliance Officer
    • Head of IT
    • Head of IT Security
    • Head of Audit
    • Head of Compliance
    • VP of Information Technology
    • VP of Information Security
    • VP of Application Security
    • VP of IT Security



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